lilasbleu (lilasbleu) wrote,

Sarah Vaughan – Whatever Lola Wants

Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets
And little man, little Lola wants you
Make up your mind to have (make up your mind to have)
No regrets (no regrets)
Recline yourself, resign yourself, you're through

I always get what I aim for
And your heart and soul is what I came for
Whatever Lola wants (Lola wants), Lola gets (Lola gets)
Take off your coat, don't you know you can't win
(Can't win, you'll never, never win)
You're no exception to the rule
I'm irresistable you fool
Give in (Give in, you'll never win)

Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets

I always get what I aim for
And your heart and soul is what I came for
Whatever Lola wants (Lola wants), Lola gets (Lola gets)
Take off your coat, don't you know you can't win
(Can't win, you'll never, never win)
You're no exception to the rule
I'm irresistable you fool
Give in (give in, you'll never win)
Give in (give in, you'll never win)
Give in.
Tags: музыка

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